Why Escorting and how did you get into the industry?
Many people think that Escorts are in for the money, hoping for clients to give generous donations. I don’t think that this is necessarily the case for many Escorts, especially those providing excellent service. To me the financial aspect is without any doubt an important factor. I would lie if I deny it. However, the most important thing that got me into Escorting was curiosity and it is what keeps me in the industry. I now feel and emotional independence as you experience so many new things every week. I guess if I had to summarise it with one sentence - you get a lot of fun without any strings attached. And that’s amazing!
What do you enjoy most about the Escort Industry?
As mentioned previously - the fun. I enjoy encounters with intelligent and successful gentleman who appreciates my company and knows how to treat me well. I take pleasure to provide a relaxing time to gentleman who had a busy day at work, be that never-ending meetings, travels or simply a hectic day at the office. I love to be the one who makes their day complete.
What is your most memorable date you’ve ever had?
The most memorable date must have been the one where a gorgeous gentleman was waiting for me outside in the rain. I was late for the booking, which by the way never happens - usually. Either way, he was so patient and kept waiting for me. When we entered the warm flat we had an amazing conversation as it turned out we had many things in common. We both forgot about time and enjoyed each others company. After a wonderful time sharing a few classes of wine where he gentle kept touching my legs, he finally reached above my stocking tops and gently pulled my skirt up. I couldn’t resist and had to give in. It was an amazing night I would love to repeat.
What do you most enjoy about London?
The cities diversity is perhaps what I enjoy most and why I choose this city to live in. For the time being at least. People are coming and going and the fact that you can go undercover and hide whenever you need some time for yourself is precious. Equally important is obviously that there are a lot of people around and whenever you are seeking company you will find people to spend time with. It is a great vibe in London and there are not many cities in the world that are as great as London.
What is your favourite Hotel in London and Why?
My favourite hotel in London is The Dorchester Hotel in Mayfair. The interior is mind-blowing and to me it is a true five star hotel that offers everything someone may require. It is fancy, cosy and simply amazing. I wouldn’t find the right words to describe the hotel - so lets leave it at that.
What is your favourite Restaurant in London?
The Cipriani in Mayfair is the one. I think it goes by CLondon nowadays. Either way, I was introduced to the restaurant by a good friend and since then I am hoping a client may take me out to the CLondon for a dinner date one day. I adore Italian cuisine and no other place in London prepares it as mind-blowing as the Cipriani.
What would be the perfect dentition to travel with a client?
Dubai. I love spending time in this wonderful city. Fingers crossed someone will be calling soon to take me there. I promise an unforgettable week or weekend. Expect me to be in a great mood everyday and I will reward the one who takes me there with kinkiness and lots of sexy lingerie.
What is your favourite drink?
Red wine. There is nothing better than red wine and a romantic conversation. Perhaps in an Italian restaurant?
How do you keep fit?
I was born fit I guess. I am one of those who do not have to do much to keep fit. Perhaps all the walks in London are paying off and keeping my bum in shape.
What is your favourite piece of lingerie?
Black bra and panties with sparkles. To be fair there isn’t really a favourite set - but I love to wear black as it matches my skin tone. But if you think otherwise, I would love to try another set of lingerie for you. I let you be the judge.
What is your kinkiest fantasy?
My fantasies involve extreme desire and passion. I love teasing a lot. I like to dress up, sit opposite my date fully clothed. Keeping the gentleman guessing what I may wear underneath. Let them carefully look over my legs, letting them guess whether those are stockings or thighs I am wearing. I love them to get crazy in their minds. Eventually I want them to rip my stockings or tights and tear the cloths of me. It’s simple, but passionate.
Find out more about our beautiful London Escort Ameera by visiting her profile!