Brunette and brown haired female escorts are amongst the most popular ladies in London, and perhaps the rest of the world. As usual a bit of scientific background for you so you know more about brunette escorts. Brown hair is the second most common human hair color, after black hair. Brunette or brown hair varies from light brown to almost black hair. And why are our brunette escorts hair the way they are? Well, it is characterised by higher levels of the dark pigment eumelanin and lower levels of the pale pigment pheomelanin. Having learned something new you can now show off and show others how smart you are. Or even better, you can meet one or more of our independent brunette Escorts, spend great time together, perhaps talking about hair colours and other fancy things. In all seriousness, Privé list the independent girls below because they are the best and most adventurous brunette companions that can be found in town. At least we fell in love with these ladies and we are convinced that you will too.