As you might expect from us, we only promote the most exquisite Escorts you can possibly find in London. And this is particularly true when it comes to female Escorts. Many Agencies have abused the name of the Industry in their case for super normal profits. For us it works a little bit different. We are very much interested in promoting ladies who actually meet the clients expectations and make sure the client gets to see the lady he / she booked in the first place. Well, we just want to get it right, so you can rest assured we go through a proper screening process before adding a girl to our portfolio. We know how daunting it can be in London to find a good Escort. If you require help feel free to contact our receptionists who are more than happy to help you in finding the right lady for the occasion. If you wish to apply for a listing and become an independent female Escort featured on Privé read through our guidelines and requirements and sign up.