Our Male Escorts are all Independent Escorts that have been selected by London Privé based on their looks and their exceptional service provided to their clients. We pride ourselves on having the most exclusive selection of Male Escorts you can possibly find in and around London. Unlike many other “Male Escort Agencies”, we do not charge Male Escorts royalty fees to be listed with us, but instead screen them properly and list only the best. It’s not a matter of money - it’s a matter of service and reputation. We are convinced that by charging Male Escorts to be listed, our interest would be to get as many on board as possible and quantity will have higher priority than quality. And that’s what our competition does. It will take you some time to meet a genuine and experienced Male Companions when browsing other websites, but with us you know you get what you are looking for. Contact our receptionists are more than happy to help you finding the right man for the whatever you have in mind. If you wish to apply for a listing and become an independent male Escort featured on Privé read through our guidelines and requirements and sign up.